Eurovision 1980

Johnny Logan won the Eurovision for Ireland as a singer with ”What’s another Year” written by Shay Healy. The Eurovision Song Contest was held the 19th of April 1980 in The Hague. ”What’s Another Year” quickly became number 1 in the UK chart and sold three million copies. At this time Johnny Logan was 26 years old and seemed like he was a little nervous before the results were coming true. But after this first Eurovision, Johnny Logan hot known when he before the show was unknown to the world.

  Eurovision 1987

Johnny Logan won the Eurovision Song Contest for the 2nd time no one else has won it twice as a performer ever in the history of Eurovision Song Contest, it was the 9th of May 1987. Got number 2 in UK chart and the single sold six million copies. ”Hold me now” was originally written to his wife.